3rd Festival Tango con las Estrellas Opatija
Hotel Bristol, Opatija
Festival "Tango con las Estrellas" with the famous stars of the Tango scene again in Opatija!
Schedule of workshops and milongas (dance evenings):
Friday, 10 February
18:00 to 19:30 walkings - all dance levels
20:00 to 21:30 musicality (continued on the previous workshop)
21.30 - 24.00 Practical work with teachers
Saturday, 11 February
14:00 to 15:30 Tango salon, women's art
15:45 to 17:15 Tango salon, men's technique
17:30 to 19:00 giros with elements - intermediate / advanced level of dance
21:00 to 2:00 a.m. con las Estrellas Tango - Tango with the Stars - Milonga & Show, DJ JeanPr de Tango (It)
Sunday, 12 February
16:00 to 17:30 Small movements of the dance floor - intermediate / advanced level of dance
18:00 to 19:30 vals movements and dynamics - intermediate / advanced level of dance
20:00 to 21:30 milonga dancing to the rhythm - intermediate / advanced level of dance
21:30 to 23:00 Closing Milonga
Hinzugefügt: 13.12.2011 16:16
zuletzt geändert: 31.01.2012 09:09