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Juni 2014.

KastavMontag, 30.6.2014. - 4.7.2014.

30/06/2014 - 04/07/2014 various locations

free entrance

The central project of collaboration between Kastafsko kulturno leto and the Kombinat creative collective is initiated in 2014 with the goal of implementing a participatory artistic creation during the exhibitional week of KKL 2014. The goal of the project is to include local population and visitors of the city of Kastav in the realization of this project, and also to include them in the consummation of contents following the exhibitional programme. The project is focused around the locations of the historic town core in the city of Kastav. With the creative interventions on the locations of historical meaning the city spaces are being reactivated and, with the open invitation to play, new possibilities are being made for future inscriptions in the city tissue. With this kind of exhibitional programme, which is stepping outside in the streets of the city to play, everyone is being invited to this creative intercourse which is here to question and open now, unforeseen possibilities. Different interventions in the old historic core of the city will be based on the historical and culturological exploration of the local stories and legends. The result of these activities is building a web of alternative stories about the local history. Chosen points, the specific locations in the city, will be visually marked and will become playing positions in the urban game of history. Innovative visual solutions will, in an educational and amendable way, help reinterpret the historical content. In a very important part, the programme is answering the needs of a new generation (it’s visual and multimedia segment), which doesn’t make it less appropriate for the rest of the city public. For the entire duration of the project, and with its ending, the city of Kastav will be mapped, and become a center of artistic intervention practices of the regional creative industry and different types of media that they will be using (photography, illustration, design, video, audio segment).

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Oktober 2013.

KastavFreitag, 4.10.2013. - 7.10.2013.

The first weekend of October are the days of tasting the new wine, the popular bDer erste Oktobersonntag und -montag gelten als die Tage, an denen der typische Weißwein von Kastavština, belica, angeboten bzw. degustiert wird. Bela nedeja ist nicht nur die Messe des Heurigen, sondern eine große Messe alter Handwerke, verschiedener Waren, mit vielen Verkaufs- und Gaststättenständen und zahlreichen Ereignissen. Dieser Feiertag des Heurigen hat eine lange Tradition und wurde noch im Gesetzbuch der Stadt Kastav 1400 erwähnt.elica, an authentic white wine of Kastav region. Bela nedeja is not only a new wine fair but also a day when old crafts are presented, various goods are on sale, numerous stalls with drinks and food are set up and a variety of events take place. Bela nedeja has a centuries-old tradition and it is even mentioned in The Law of the City of Kastav from 1400.

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April 2013.

KastavSamstag, 20.4.2013.

In Kastav on 20 April 2013 from 13 hours will be organized event called "Dancing Kastav" which brings together the various types of dances, generation and spreads good vibes.

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März 2013.

KastavFreitag, 8.3.2013.

From 17 to 20 in Idičina bakery Kastav - "Friday at five in PEKNJICA" - women in honor. In the 18:00 in a coffee bar in the Lodge Kastav will be an exhibition of Vesna Frank. "To our Women", is the name of the exhibition of photographs by Branko Jani Kukurin which will be opened at 19:00 in Kastav Atelier Pavic.

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Januar 2013.

KastavDonnerstag, 17.1.2013. - 13.2.2013.

The Kastav carnival takes place annually between St Anthony's day (17 January) and Ash Wednesday (6 February). During parades, groups perform different dances, ringing the bells attached to their belts and colliding with each other to ensure maximum noise!

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Oktober 2012.

KastavFreitag, 5.10.2012. - 8.10.2012.

Am ersten Oktoberwochenende findet der Verkauf und die Verkostung des jungen Weines, des beliebten “Belica” statt, einem autochthonen Weißwein der Region Kastav.

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September 2012.

KastavSamstag, 8.9.2012.

14:00 - an exhibition of classic cars
17:00 - parade
18:00 - Moto Games
20:00 - concerts

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Juni 2012.

KastavFreitag, 1.6.2012. - 10.6.2012.

Am Mittwoch, 6. Juni 2012 findet um 19.00 Uhr im Stadthaus von Kastav eine feierliche Sitzung des Stadtrates stadt. Hier werden Ehrungen und Preise an Bürger und Organisationen verliehen, die sich bei der Stadtentwicklung verdient gemacht haben.

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September 2011.

KastavFreitag, 30.9.2011. - 3.10.2011.

The first Sunday and Monday of October are the days of tasting the new wine, the popular belica, an authentic white wine of Kastav region. Bela nedeja is not only a new wine fair but also a day when old crafts are presented, various goods are on sale, numerous stalls with drinks and food are set up and a variety of events take place. Bela nedeja has a centuries-old tradition and it is even mentioned in The Law of the City of Kastav from 1400.

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Juli 2011.

KastavMontag, 11.7.2011.

For the third consecutive year in Jurčići is organized summer carnival. Cheerful carnival group gather at 17:00 in front of Dom Jurčići, whence starts the visitation from house to house, collecting eggs, playing, singing and partying until the early morning hours.

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