21st Festival of wind orchestras: Our world is music
21st Festival of Wind Orchestras "Our world is music"
Participating orchestras: Mori Fúvószenei Egyesület, Mor, Hungary and the host, Lovran Wind Orchestra
On Friday, 3.5.2013.a Hungarian Orchestra will present a concert in St. George Square Lovran (beginning at 20:30)
On Saturday, 04/05/2013 The afternoon will be held a concert by the participants in front of Villa Angiolina (beginning at 16:00)
On Saturday, 4.5.2012 the evening will be a concert of participants in St. George Square Lovran (beginning at 20:00)
On Sunday, 05/05/2013 orchestras from 10:30 parade from Opatija market move towards Slatina, then on the beach Slatina (at 11:00), to be held jointly Promenade concert (orchestras play together marches) At 12:30 will be held a parade through the streets of Lovran and the Square of Liberty officially close the festival with a joint performance by orchestras and exchange gifts.
Legga piùAggiunto: 17.04.2013 10:10
ultima modifica: 05.05.2013 12:12