3rd Croatian Congress on Urogenital and Sexually Transmitted Infections
Grand Hotel 4 Opatijska Cvijeta, Opatija
3rd Croatian Congress on Urogenital and Sexually Transmitted Infections with international participation is organized by Croatian Society of Urogenital and Sexually Transmitted Infections of Croatian Medical Assembly (HDUGISPI) from 20th to 22nd May 2011 in Opatija.
Urogenital and sexually transmitted infections are one of the leading causes of acute diseases, chronic health impairment and mortality, with possible severe medical and psychological consequences for millions of women, men and children. They are the most common infectious diseases in the world, and an important public sexual and reproductive health problem. Through many elected topics and lectures held by eminent experts we shall try to provide a review of the most interesting and uptodate scientific and professional highlights on clinical, epidemiological, microbiological and immunological aspects of urogenital and sexually transmitted infections with a special emphasis on treatment and prevention, screening programs and available vaccines.
The congress aims to provide new knowledge to physicians of various specialties and scientists whose field of research are urogenital and sexually transmitted infections.
Aggiunto: 31.01.2011 12:12
ultima modifica: 31.01.2011 12:12