Archivio Eventi
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Luglio 2011.
MatuljiGiovedì, 28.7.2011. 21:00 - 31.7.2011. 23:00
Recordings.Days of Documentary Film in Matulji, will run from 28th of July until 31st of July, with the projection of five films.
Thursday, 28.07. - Kilimanjaro, Africa - the first Croatian university expedition
- An adventure race the south to Patagonia - adventure team''Ad Natura Karibu''
Friday, 29/07/2011. - Majugi 136 - Art film Matulji
- Raul Cech through music, theater and life - Art film Matulji
Saturday, 31/07/2011. - Music is my life - Leo Ivancic
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