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Marzo 2014.

OpatijaSabato, 1.3.2014. - 31.3.2014.

Salute e bellezza, riposo e divertimento, relax e ricreazione – questa e la missione della manifestazione „Marzo – oasi del wellness“ nel corso della quale Opatija si trasforma in una vera e propria oasi di salute. Qui ci sono passeggiate, giri sportivi e ricreativi guidati ed esercizi all'aperto seguiti da allenatori professionisti. La parte centrale della manifestazione si svolge negli alberghi e nei centri sanitari specializzati che presentano la ricca offerta wellness e spa, i massaggi e i trattamenti di bellezza, ma anche le moderne tecniche mediche e terapeutiche.

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Febbraio 2014.

OpatijaDomenica, 23.2.2014. 10:00

The event takes place on the main street from the hotel "Bristol" to Slatina. As in any real race rehearsals begin in 10.00 o'clock, and the main race at noon.

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OpatijaVenerdì, 21.2.2014. - 7.3.2014.

The exhibition of the academic artist Branka Marčeta - twelve oil paintings of different formats and two batik on the theme of the carnival visit to 7 March 2014 at the tavern Istranka, Opatija.

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OpatijaDomenica, 16.2.2014. 13:00

Little masks from Croatia and abroad will rule over Opatija. Parade starts from Opatija Market exactly at 13.00 hours, after Opatija children's carnival mayor take the flag from the mayor of Opatija.

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Gennaio 2014.

Villa Angiolina, OpatijaVenerdì, 31.1.2014. 20:00 - 21.2.2014.

The exhibition on the theme of cravat by Opatija artist Yasna Skorup Krneta will be open for the Night of Museums at the Croatian Museum of Tourism in Opatija 31 January of 2014. at 20:00.
The exhibition will remain open until 21 February 2014.

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OpatijaSabato, 18.1.2014.

From Viškovo the group of colorful vehicles on two, four or more wheels will drive the way to the heart of Kastav - the beginning of "Europe walking paths." Then They come down to the nice people of Frlanija on the way to the octane and ringers "big city" Matulji. Everything will end up in the charming jewel Opatija - the "old lady of Croatian tourism," the pearl of Kvarner.

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Market Place, OpatijaVenerdì, 17.1.2014. 11:00

01/17/2014. The ceremonial handing over the keys of the City to the Mayor of Carnival Opatija , Carnival Flag Hoisting and lifting of Pust (Carnival dummy), 11.00 Market Opatija

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OpatijaVenerdì, 17.1.2014. - 2.3.2014.

01/17/2014. The ceremonial handing over the keys to the Mayor of the City of carnival, the carnival flag and Waste, 11:00 am Market Opatija

01/17/2014. Antonjski horn, 17:30 pm, Kastav

18/01/2014. 5th Rally of masked octanes "Halubje - Liburnija of 2014."

01/31/2014. Carnival Food Festival, 20:00, Hangar Matulji

16/02/2014. 18. Children Carnival Parade, 13:00, Opatija

21/02/2014. 5th Masked Klapa Marathon, 20:00, Summer Stage, Opatija

02/22/2014. Masked ball, 20:00, Summer Stage, Opatija

02/23/2014. 31st Balinjerada, 12:00, Opatija

28.02. - 02.03.2014. International Carnival Cup 2014th, sailing regatta

01/03/2014. 19th Festival of ringers, 12:00, Matulji

02/03/2014. International Carnival, 12:00, Rijeka

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Hotel Kvarner, OpatijaMercoledì, 1.1.2014. 12:00

First January exactly at noon is trditional gathering for guests of Opatija at the terrace of Hotel Kvarner. Opatija Mayor makes his toast in seven languages ??and wish them good luck and invitates guests to come back in Opatija with champagne served in exclusive glasses engraved with a recognizable symbol of Opatija - a girl with a seagull, which remains as a unique gift.

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Dicembre 2013.

The Open Air Summer Theater, OpatijaMartedì, 31.12.2013. - 1.1.2014.

Opatija will welcome the New Year at the summer stage, dancing and singing with the vocal band Nevera and Koktels! Good luck in 2014!

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