Concert od Tartini Quartet and Martina FILJAK
Wednesday, 20.4.2011. 20:00
Maritime and History Museum of the Croatian Litoral Rijeka, Rijeka
Maritime and History Museum of the Croatian Litoral Rijeka, Rijeka
Tartini Quartet and guest pianist Martina FILJAK concert will take place in the Marble hall of the Maritime and History Museum of Croatian Littoral Rijeka on Wednesday, 20 04 2011 starting in 8 PM. Admission is 30.00 kuna.
Organizer: Concert Agency GIS & ArtAgent supported by the City Department of Culture. Tartini Quartet: MIRAN KOLBL first violin / ROMEO DRUCKER, second violin / ALEKSANDAR MILOŠEV, viola / MILOŠ MLEJNIK, cello
Added: 20.04.2011 12:12
Last Modified: 20.04.2011 12:12