euconf 2013

euconf 2013

Wednesday, 17.4.2013.
Hotel Ambasador, Opatija

International Conference "euconf 2013" is designed to strengthen the spirit of European economy and the environment of business cooperation and promotion of accession of the Western Balkan states.


University of Rijeka - Faculty of Economics - Partner in EU Integration Jean Monnet Ad personam Chair
University of Antwerp - Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence
University of Ljubljana - Faculty of Economics - Chair Jean Monnet
Institute CEDIMES Paris – CEDIMES Rijeka
University of Belgrade – Faculty of Economics
University of Sarajevo – Faculty of Economics
University "St. Cyril and Methodius" in Skopje – Faculty of Economics
University of Podgorica – Faculty of Economics
University of Dokuz Eylül - Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
"Aleksandër Moisiu" University of Durrës
Ternopil National Economic University
Academy of Public Administration Chişinău
University of Priština, Faculty of Economics

Added: 23.12.2012 19:19
Last Modified: 23.12.2012 19:19

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