International Annual Meeting and Scientific Workshop – Sterilisation and Disinfection
Grand Hotel 4 Opatijska Cvijeta, Opatija
The organizers of the symposium are the WFHSS (World Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply) and the Croatian Association for Hospital Sterile Supply.
This gathering is intended for:
• CSSD managers and workers
• physicians,
• dentists,
• pharmacists,
• health care inspectors,
• representatives of the Ministry of Health,
• hospital management
and for all those professionally interested in this topic.
The most respectable experts in the field of sterilization and disinfection from all over the world will deliver their lectures in accordance with the enclosed programme and the topics.
One of the goals of this gathering is the founding of the regional association for commencing the initiative to establish an educational centre for training of CSSD managers.
Added: 16.03.2009 20:20
Last Modified: 16.03.2009 20:20