Simple shades by Darija Dolanski Majdak

Simple shades by Darija Dolanski Majdak

14.7.2011. - 26.7.2011.
Holy Trinity Chapel, Kastav

Darija Dolanski Majdak exhibits her work in the gallery of st. Trojica in Kastav. Exhibition titled “Simple shades” wiil be opened at 20:00pm, from July 14th till July 26th.

Darija Dolanski Majdak is an artist known on the Croatian (and foreign) art scene for her abstract geometric, neoplastic paintings, within which she builds her characteristic, technical system of horizontal and vertical series of squares. With her subtle and deliberate use of colour, they act like a blinking screen from the world of electronics, in whose apparent cold and “controlled consciousness” she succeeds every time and in every new series to emit emotion and poeticism, and instead of having a calculating quality, we experience play and fantasy.

Added: 14.06.2011 12:12
Last Modified: 20.07.2011 21:21

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