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April 2009.

Molekula, RijekaThursday, 30.4.2009. 19:00 - 5.5.2009.

EXHIBITION "THEINTERACTIONS": John Goricki (video): "I," Igor Gržetić (video): "Revolution will be televised," Iva Kovac (digital print): "Reading the posters," Martha Maričić (installation), "Why?" Ana journeyman (video), Vedrana Valencic (digital printing), "Kokacije" Club of friends of animals: Posters.

Organization: Infoshop Škatula, The Artery of Contemporary Art

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Art pavilion "Juraj Šporer", OpatijaThursday, 30.4.2009. - 31.5.2009.

Organized by the Croatian Museum of Tourism in Art pavilion "Juraj Sporer" in Opatija, Croatia on Thursday, April 30th 2009. in 8 p.m. is opened exhibition of Emanuel Vidovic, one of the most important painter of Croatian art history.
Entry: FREE, open every day except Mondays from 10:00 to 18:00

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Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Rijeka, RijekaThursday, 23.4.2009. 19:00 - 18.5.2009.

MILJENKA ŠEPIĆ - Earth, Fire, Water, Air 23. 4. – 18. 5. 2009. Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Dolac 1/II, RijekaOpening: thursday, April 23rd 2009. at 19.00 Curator: Milica Đilas
Earth, Fire, Water, and Air is the title of the new, integrated cycle of works by Miljenka Sepic. The cycle is articulated into four clearly delineated parts, each corresponding to one element. Each element, following the traditional Eastern learning, is connected by the author with energy, state, or action. Although elements, parts of a cycle, make separate entities, different visually and in technical execution, only when connected with the others they acquire their full harmony and meaning.
She forms elements according to a program set in advance, by the selection of colours, their relations and symbolic meanings, archetypal forms, and adequate formats of drawing or painting grounds for corresponding techniques and materials, as well as controlled manual procedures in the execution of a particular work.

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Slatina, OpatijaWednesday, 8.4.2009. - 11.4.2009. 20:00

„Kvarner Expo 09“, The exhibition of Souvenirs makers of Croatia will take place in large tent on Slatina.
Almost with certainty we can say that this exhibition has became the tradition of Opatija.

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Club Discordia, RijekaFriday, 3.4.2009. 21:00

Opening the exhibition of jewelry by Marina Marinski & Dalibora Bijelic
Dance rhythm:
The Mighty Smoke (indie disco, electro)
Bakka Slon (electrobreaks)
entry: 10 kn to 22h, 20 kn after 22h!

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City of Rijeka Museum, RijekaThursday, 2.4.2009. 19:00 - 24.4.2009.

Born 1969 in Rijeka, Republic Croatia, lives and works in Vienna and Rijeka.
Since 1996 he teaches movement, dance and mime/physical theatre in various Theatres, festivals and schools.
In early nineties he started to express by painting. His works had been shown in several solo and group exhibitions in Austria, Croatia, Slovenia, Italy and the Netherlands.

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March 2009.

Tuesday, 31.3.2009. 01:44 - 31.12.2009.

March 31st 2009 - at 1:44 AM has been opened the virtual exhibition "Alchemy of Opatija" by Peter Kürschner on the portal
Exhibition can be seen every day from 0:00-24:00.
Petar Kürschner jr., freelance photographer, based in Opatija, Croatia, graduated in Munich SAE Institute in Germany.
“While I’m looking at his photos I go to some other dimension where breathing is slowing down and everything is regenereting.. 5.,6.,7. sense.. everything moves.”
(Annastasia Puzzer)

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Croatian Museum of Tourism in Opatija, and the Croatian Natural History Museum - Zagreb, organize the exhibition "No water habitat no wading birds" on Friday, March 27th 8:00 pm in Art pavilion Juraj Sporer . Opatija.
Author of conception is doc.dr.sci. Srecko Leinar, while the authors of photographs and text are Srecko Leiner and Denis Leiner . Free entry.
The exhibition will be open until April 18th 2009.

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Art pavilion "Juraj Šporer", OpatijaSaturday, 21.3.2009. - 26.3.2009.

Camellia's fan club "Iginio Scarpa" organizes the competition for the most beautiful camellia 2009 in which can participate residents of Opatija Riviera, from Volosko to Brsec.
The most beautiful camellia will be declared at the of exhibition "Camellia of Opatija Riviera," which will be held from 21st to 26th March in Art pavilion "Juraj Sporer.
From 1974.g. camellia is a symbol of tourism of Opatija and its Riviera.

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K.U.N.S., RijekaThursday, 12.3.2009. 21:00 - 21.3.2009.

... "I would say that mysterious and strange world of insects has always fascinated me, invisible to the naked eye, extremely rich when viewed through camera lens in macro format. The time and reduction of "unimportant" comes into play all extraordinarity of ordinary. Macro frame and micro structure creates an entirely new world which is to be made closer to and enjoyed, because it is just as interesting as this "great one".

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